Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Apply today!

Hey there!

AIESEC is lauching internship in the University of Technology, Mauritius!
Do you know what does it mean to be part of the world`s largest student run organization?

Present in over 107 countries and territories and with over 35,000 members, AIESEC is the world's largest studentrun organisation. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today.

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AIESEC is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential so as to have a positive impact on society. AIESEC International cooperates with a select group of organizations on programs and activities with a global reach.

This year AIESEC is being introduced to UTM. The first recruitment has already been done for new members and we are doing recruitment for those students interested to do go for an exchange to countries like Malaysia, India, Russia, Poland, etc...

Click on this link to get an application form

The AIESEC Experience

AIESEC offers youth-driven impactful experience to our members.

Youth-driven: We are run by youth for youth Impactful: We enable a strong experience to our stakeholders that change them and/or societies Experience: Our experience is comprised of a global learning environment, leadership opportunities and international internships

I am an AIESECer

The structured program offered to all members of AIESEC in over 107 countries is called 'The AIESEC Experience'.

All members go through an introduction to the organization, getting connected with the purpose, values and impact of AIESEC.

Members then take on responsibility in some activity, acquiring functional and soft skills... Members then have the option to take on leadership role, internship, or both.

The final step of the AIESEC Experience is to head to the future - to take the skills, inspiration, and networks from AIESEC to have a positive impact in society.


AIESEC Official Extension Team, UTM

What is AIESEC?

Present in over 107 countries and territories and with over 35,000 members,
AIESEC is the world's largest student‐run organisation. Focused on providing a platform for youth leadership development, AIESEC offers young people the opportunity to be global citizens, to change the world, and to get experience and skills that matter today.

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What is AIESEC?

AIESEC in numbers

107 Countries and territories

1.700 Universities

35.000 Members

5.500 International Internships

7.700 Leadership Roles

4.000 Partners/sponsors

470 Conferences

60 years of existence


AIESEC Official Extension Team, UTM